Thursday, December 10, 2009

We're having a ...

Barbie went in for an ultrasound yesterday. Unfortunately, it was the only time slot available before we skidattle out of Chicago for Utah and I had a school conflict so I wasn't able to make it. But we had the nurse seal the gender image in an envelope so we could find out together! That was probably one of the longest waits in Barbie's life, but I got home eventually and we found out...
We're having a BABY BOY!
We celebrated by buying a cute boy outfit and looking at all the essential baby "stuff" such as cribs and strollers. We're entering a strange new world here, and I've got a steep learning curve ahead of me. Somehow I'll figure it out, and hopefully my child will always know how much I love him and will do anything to provide for and protect him. Let the adventure begin!!!


Danielle and Derrick said...

We are sooooo happy for you guys! Congrats on having a boy, they are wonderful! Maybe we'll see you 2 in Utah over Christmas break?

Lisa said...

Oh my heck! I'm so excited for you guys to have a cute little boy! Oh course he'll be cute, look at you guys.


Mardee Rae said...

Oh my gosh, am I the only one who didn't know you guys were expecting? I'm so excited for you! Congrats. Little boys...still have no idea what it would be like to have a boy, so I can't help you there :)d

Allison Madsen said...

Congrats! THat is super exciting. Enjoy feathering your nest for the little guy.

Scott and Michelle Ouderkirk said...


Ariane said...

I just found your blog through your parents Josh. Congrats on the boy! They are so much fun to play with and they keep you in great shape as you run after them!

Melanie said...

How exciting! Congrats! Barbie, I don't know how you waited without opening that envelope! I never would have made it.